Ida Ivanka

The Birth Of An Idea XXXII

Media: Silk Cocoons left by the butterflies and Old Holland New Masters Acrylics on Canvas

Size: 70,8x39 inch, 1,8x1 m

Hanging: horizontally, vertically or floating on the ceiling

Location: Public Art Collection, Oslo, Norway

This piece was commissioned for a celebrity spa center in Oslo, Norway.
The Crème Background is the same as the fireplace color. The blue color picks up the blue velvet color of the sofa and also plays with the light as the velvet does. In order to mimic the velvet feel gloss Ida mixed several blues with more of iridescent delft blue.
The piece has a special size: the same width as the sofa and it was hung over the fireplace.
One of the photos: the artwork under the stairs in Ida’s Studio in Norway.
One of the photos: The artwork at the Spa Centre.


The Birth Of An Idea XXXI


The Birth Of An Idea IThe Birth Of An Idea XXXIII