Ida Ivanka

Birth Of An Idea III

Media: Silk Cocoons left by the butterflies and Old Holland New Masters Acrylics on Canvas

Size: 78x39 inch, 2x1 m

Hanging: horizontally, vertically or floating on the ceiling

Location: Private Art Collection, Guernsey

The Birth Of an Idea III is very fresh flowery artwork, as the leading colour is Fuchsia and the background is a green Earth colour.
It was produced in the London Studio and exhibited only once in Notting Hill, where it received lots of compliments. It found home at a family in Guernsey, who are also antique furniture lovers.
The client chose a white box frame with glass and let it deliver to his home on the island.
One of the photos show the artwork at the framing service in London.


The Birth Of An Idea II


The Birth Of An Idea IV